The 29th Kyoto Art Festival and International Exhibition of Art

The new catalogues for the 2015 show are out! All official information is included, including dates, times, venues, and sponsors. It also includes lists of last year’s winners and the hard-working people who volunteer their time to put this show together. Yes, that’s right! As far as I know, the main organizers are volunteers. Many artists are analogue rather than digital, so the group does not have an official website.
The covers look almost the same every year, because they use the same design but with different colours. Additional shows by selected artists are also listed. Unlike the catalogue, I will list all artists with their family names first in capital letters. Also, I have listed the preferred name with spellings I know that some individuals use elsewhere in social media rather than the romanized version of a name that somebody might have created for them in the catalogue, and I have also decided not to add any extra letters or lines to indicate that a vowel sound is elongated in Japanese names or umlauts above letters. Several artists only had their names printed in Chinese characters and katakana. I have transliterated their name unless told otherwise by those who are familiar with the spellings of names from those particular countries. One artist’s name was only written in Chinese characters, so I have left the name blank here since I do not know any version of how that name might be read. Their names are still visible in the photos. (If you know how these names are read in China or Korea, please contact me and I will change the names.) The name assigned in the catalogue is shown in parentheses if it differs from my choice. Why have I changed some of the names? I realize that some of the spellings in the catalogue were assigned rather than selected by the artist and that some artists have several versions of their names in public records of their exhibitions. To be truly international, all names have to be treated with the same style to make things easy for the reader. The reader does not need to worry about variations in name order because of cultural differences or nationality.
After typing all these names, I understand how complicated it can be to organize a show of artists from all over the world with different standards in writing names. People should submit their names in the same way that they are listed in passports. It would make things easier for all.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): IBE, Kyoko; ROESCH (ROESH), Robert; KOYAMA, Yuko; BIELSKA HIRANO, Anna; TAKEDA, Ryosaku; and REESE-HORVITZ, Suzanne.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): BERRY (BERI), Makiko; GRECO, John; SHIBUYA, Kazuko; MASUDA, Minoru; TAKEUCHI, Ko; and KISHI, Kasuke.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): KATAYAMA, Masami; HEAL, Melinda; KAWARABAYASHI, Shunyo (Shunyou); INARI, Shigemi; VELLONEN, Jarmo; and ONISHI (OHNISHI), Kenta.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): HAYASHIDA, Sanae; MIYASAKI, Noriko; MURATA, Koken; MANNIO, Katariina; TOKURIKI Tatsuki; and ROCHE, Charles.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): IWAI, Haruka; MARYATT, Kitty; SASAKI, Mayumi; ICHIHA; ETO (ETOH), Kaoru; and ARAI, Makiko.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): ISA, Masayuki; KUSUMOTO, Erika; CHANG, Yuchen; KOGA, Yukako; JUNG, Byung Mil; BOOTHE, Steven.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): LOZANO OZARCHEVICI (?) (OZARCHIEVICI), Luanda; OGAWA, Reiko; SUZUKI, Haruo; NAKAMURA, Michio; SHINOGAMI, Safumi; and EGAWA, Mamiko.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): MARUM, Virginia; MAEKAWA, Shoko; VUORENPAA, Sari; SAKUMA, Yoshiaki; NISHIDA, Yasuko; and KAWASHIMA, Wataru.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): MATSUBARA, Akitoshi; GRIFFIN, Wendy; YANG, Xiang Hua; OIKAWA, Misa; BAO, Ri Chuan; and KOSAGA, Yumi.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): ARAKI, Sara; INOUE, Emiko; HOKI, Masakazu; GE, Jian Xi [Probable but not certain reading of name]; ASATANI, Hiroshi; and PRIDAN, Liora (Oki).
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): TAKAGI, Yuko; RAZ, Silvina; TOMOSATO (GURI), Guri; NAHOR, Zvia; KURUMI, Tokushige; and YAMADA, Eiko.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): YATSUHASHI, Kiyomi; ROSENFELD, Edith Naomi; HANRAHAN, KellyAnne; YOKOTA, Tomoko; AOKI, Harumi; and FUJIMORI, Tetsuro.
Participating artists (clockwise from upper left): SHAHAK, Ruth; KOGA, Yukiko; KOBAYASHI, Shoko (Shouko); SAWAI, Michiko; and WU, Jun [Probable but not certain reading of name].
Participating artists selected for the group show at Gallery Keifu (clockwise starting from upper left): IWAI, Haruka; ARAI, Rieko; KUBO, Yoshihiro; STOUT, Deborah; KOYAMA, Yuko; and HAYASHIDA, Sanae.
Participating artists selected for the group show at the Kyoto International C0mmunity House (KICH) (clockwise from upper left): HIRATA, Yuko; HONDA, Sokei; KAMIDE, Chikako; MAEDA, Kantaro; HARA, Cake; ZACHARIAS, Michelle; and INOUE, Yumi.
Participating artists selected for the group show at Par Art (clockwise from upper left): FUTAGAMI, Naho; MORI, Nao; CARROLL, Wendy; LE, Tiery; and FUJIWARA, Shohei (Shouhei).
Participating artists selected for the group show at “Poruta” Gallery (clockwise from upper left): YASUDA, Yojoro; STEINER, Richard; SWAFFORD CHO, Katya; ONO, Sayaka; HE, Cheng Gang; and ENKHMAA, Rurevdorj.
The tiny print is a little hard to read, so I have divided them into sections to make them easier to read.
Musical Performances
Administration and Contact Information
Prize Winners of the 2014 Exhibition: KUBO, Yoshihiro; STOUT, Deborah; KOYAMA, Yuko; ARAI, Rieko; ORBACH, Nona; BARKAT, Beverly; HAYASHIDA, Sanae; IWAI, Haruka; and SAITO, Hiroshi.
Photos of the 2014 exhibition
Photos of the 2014 exhibition
Hope to see you there!
Really beautiful stuff. You did a lot of work to post this for us. Thank you.
Aw! You always write the sweetest things!